According to an introductory topic of What MemesNG is, it’s jus an application or website whose main aim is entertaining you, where you “Load more” and more memes (Collection of funny pictures with texts inscription making it funnier).
The uniqueness of MemesNG with it’s foreign competitors and instagram pages, is the ease to add yours to the collection and be paid for it, or keep viewing memes while your earning points increases, this way you get to Cash out your earnings faster.
It also houses several trending memes, that creates comic relief to what’s happening currently, that way you kind of relate wholy. You can further enjoy the service they provide by Installing the APP on Google Playstore, and get more features like the Memes Challenge, where everyone join a challenge and WIN Money, with the best meme the winner.
Let me Guide you through what’s inside the MemesNG App.
6 The MemesNG Login Page!
Not too yummy! but on next update you might have to see a random meme first.
The first page you see is the login page, where you can choose to register or reset your password.
If you already have an account, you should go ahead to login.
5 The Memes Page, Load More Memes!
This is where it gets really awesome!
Welcome in, you can now view countless memes at your fingertips, by simply hiting the Load More button.
The more memes you load, react or heart and add a responsible comment the more your earnings accumulate.
While, you are enjoying, you are earning.
4 Upload Memes Get paid Higher
Choose from the very wide caegories to view memes,
Upload yours, once approved by the MC "Memes Collector", you will instantly be credited.
3 Setup your payment account
Yes! you have to get paid..
Set up your correct Nigerian bank account, if you are a non-Nigerian don't worry, when you payment reach #2000 follow the below step 2 to withdraw your money
2 Withdraw your money Easily
Now you have viewed countless memes and uploaded so many, it times to get paid for your labour.
- Login to the app or website
- Click the sidebar menu
- Click on Ticket
- Create new Ticket [Withdrawal Request]
- For non-nigerian, add your paypal address or Chippercash handle there
Viola.. your payments goes under processing ready to be paid.
Install, the MemesNG App now to get started.
1 Install the MemesNG App now
It's Time.. Install the MemesNG App on Playstore now.
..don't forget to drop a review after installing the app.