While growing up, we keep reminding ourselves of what we would love to grow old into.
There was this uncle or that aunty we badly wanted to be like…..
Until adulthood pulled up on us like this.

And how did we handle it? Yep. Crying, drinking, and hiding.

Here are the crucial moments we found out that this thing called adulthood is a scam.
Having to carry face from that cheesy pizza because there is rice at home.

When you start shopping for the cheapest food you can get.

You fall sick and nobody even looks at your side because you’re now a big boy.

The moment you realize your parents have stopped sending money.

Or when your Daddy’s friend comes to visit and he doesn’t bring out money to give you.

When you enter bus with your younger siblings and they are all expecting you to pay.

Thinking of different business you can start that will make you instantly rich.

But falling for ponzi schemes like MMM and LOOM because you’re deseprate.

And trying not to die before your friend offers you food to forget your sorrows.

After everything we just listed, don’t you think you deserve a break?

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